A visit from the Famous Ivyn Sambo

 Branding, Personal Finance and Leadership

Silvermine Academy looks out for the citizens of the future  by bringing in a special guest, Ivyn Sambo. He came to inspire and educate our students on financial responsibility and many different aspects in life to help build a secure  future.  

Ivyn Sambo was a student investor and is active on many different platforms. His podcast. “The Student Investor” is the second most popular financial podcast in Africa.

During his visit, he gave powerful advice on how to save and budget. His speech was fascinating and straight to the point. He kept every student from Grade 8-11 interested. Everyone seemed relieved to know that adulting can be easy as long as you know where you’re headed and what you can do to make it easier for yourself. Have a backup plan on what might happen. This can help with saving money on the side and incase of any emergency. One Grade 10 student explained how she opened her bank account and investigated investments since meeting Mr Sambo. 

Believe in yourself, don’t worry about everyone else going for the same job as you, just make sure your ego is high because having an ego is never a bad thing unless you’re extreme about it. Create your identity through your business and market yourself well. “There’s no point in having a fantastic business if you don’t have good marketing, make branding your key.”

- you are the only person stopping you from achieving what you want -

We are grateful to Mr Sambo for his visit! He managed to keep us on the edge of our seats. He explained his journey over the years and how he grew as a person, his struggles in life and how he overcame them. His talk gave every  single student the knowledge that "nothing can stop me if I put my mind to it”. At the end of the day, you are the only person stopping you from achieving what you want -  reaching for your goals and being smart with your money while you do it.